The begining of a little country kitchen......

I spent 8 years studying to be an architect, for which in return I have a very rewarding job!

Since finishing my studies I decided to find something new to learn outside the office..hence my journey into cake decoration and a new way to employ my creative skills!

So after some cake decorating lessons I am embarking upon making cakes for family, friends and anyone who is interested on my way!. I love a challenge and I really enjoy making them and it something completely different from my day job!

So this blog is an photographic portfolio of my journey, to give you an idea of what I have done/ maybe can do :-)

Friday, 1 October 2010

Where to start?

Right well....I really didn't know where to I started at my most basic....I bought a cake decorating book from WH Smith...

It gave me some ideas, and I even thought that I could really have a good go at most of it....but some of it was a bit twee and it didn't really inspire me.

Then I discovered 2 books/ people that got me interested- Planet Cake ( Australian company) and Eric Lanard....Their books are amazing and made me really excited about all the things I wanted to off I went to buy equipment...lots of it ranging from turntables to palette knives and icing bags...then I realised I didn't really know how to use them!

So I spent some time on google- as you do and found a lady who ran cake decorating classes and workshops called Heather Sweet at Sweet art- So I enrolled- my first lesson in on 6/10/10- how exciting!

In the meantime I decided to put word out the collegues, familiy & friends that I was learning and if anyone wanted any birthday/ celebration cakes I would do them so free........while I was learning. In the meantime I read and I waited........

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